Lawsuit Breaks Out Between Rap-A-Lot and Pimp C's Wife Over Masters

(AllHipHop News) A lawsuit has broken out between Rap-A-Lot Records and Pimp C's wife Chinara Butler, over unreleased recordings by the deceased rap star. Rap-A-Lot Records 2K filed the lawsuit against Chinara Butler in the District Court of Harris County, Texas. According to the lawsuit, Pimp C entered into an agreement with James Prince and Rap-A-Lot Records in October of 2000. Under the agreement, Pimp C agreed to record exclusively for Rap-A-Lot, which would be the sole and exclusive owner of all copyrights in the masters recorded by Pimp C. The lawsuit claims that when Pimp C passed away in December of 2008, his wife Chinara was appointed as the independent administrator and sole representative of Pimp C's estate. Shortly after the rapper's death, Rap-A-Lot and Chinara Butler also amended the agreement. Under the amended agreement, Butler was allegedly supposed to deliver 10 masters to Rap-A-Lot Records. Tensions between the two parties ca...